August 5, 2024

9 Types of Advertising in Oman that Still Work in 2024

Advertising is key to promoting products and services. In Oman, different types of advertising are used to reach people effectively.  Here are some types that still work well in 2024:

1. Digital Advertising

Digital advertising is popular because many people use the internet. This includes:

2. Television Advertising

Even with the rise of digital media, TV ads remain effective. Many families in Oman watch television, so ads shown during popular shows or news programs reach a wide audience.

3. Radio Advertising

Radio is still a popular medium in Oman, especially during commuting hours. Ads on popular radio stations can reach people who listen to the radio while driving or at work.

4. Print Advertising

Print ads in newspapers and magazines are still relevant. Many people in Oman read newspapers daily, making it a good way to reach an older or more traditional audience.

5. Outdoor Advertising

Billboards and posters in busy areas like highways, city centers, and shopping malls catch the attention of many people. This form of advertising is highly visible and effective in spreading brand awareness.

6. SMS Marketing

SMS marketing involves sending promotional messages directly to people’s phones. This method is effective because it reaches people instantly, and most people read their text messages.

7. Event Sponsorships

Sponsoring events like sports matches, cultural festivals, and community gatherings helps companies connect with local audiences. This type of advertising builds brand recognition and shows community involvement.

8. Influencer Marketing

Working with local influencers who have a strong following on social media helps brands reach specific audiences. Influencers can share their experiences with products, making recommendations more personal and trustworthy.

9. Email Marketing

Email marketing involves sending promotional emails to a list of subscribers. It remains effective because:


In 2024, a mix of traditional and modern advertising methods works best in Oman. By using a combination of digital ads, TV and radio spots, print ads, outdoor ads, Email and SMS marketing, event sponsorships, and influencer partnerships, businesses can effectively reach their target audiences and promote their products and services.

How OHI Leo Burnett Can Help You Achieve Your Advertising Goals in Oman

Reaching your advertising goals in Oman requires a blend of strategies that target various audiences effectively. OHI Leo Burnett is here to help you navigate the advertising landscape with ease and precision.

Check out our scope of services here.

If you have any questions or want to discuss your project, let's connect here.